Ask Amy: Neighbor’s gripe about loud music blows up on FacebookDear Amy: A profanity-laced post on Facebook about my loud music made me out to be an inconsiderate jerk, which is the farthest thing from the truth. June 18, 2023
Ask Amy: Underpaid employees can’t afford to pitch in for pot-luck at boss’s lake houseDear Amy: Many of us are having difficulty putting food on our own tables, let alone bringing a dish to a party with enough food for possibly 20 to 25 people to sample. June 17, 2023
Ask Amy: Everyone knows he’s not her biological father, except herDear Amy: I think that her DNA is something she/anyone should know, especially since dozens of other people know about it. June 16, 2023
Ask Amy: When is it time for the nuclear option with family?Dear Amy: I am the youngest of three sisters and have always had a rough relationship with my mom and sisters. It’s always them against me. And Dad just stays out of it. June 15, 2023
Ask Amy: Anxious teen worried about, well, everythingDear Amy: I have a hard time making decisions because I’m so worried that whatever I choose will be a bad decision and affect my future. June 14, 2023
Ask Amy: This person needs to be told off, and I want to be the one to do itDear Amy: I am a 58-year-old worker who was recently laid off. I really feel the need to express myself so that I can leave this behind. June 13, 2023
Ask Amy: Why is my husband upset I want family to live closer and help them with childcare?Dear Amy: I also wonder why I need his permission to do something that I enjoy doing, that helps out a family member, and that blesses my own children. June 12, 2023
Ask Amy: I regularly babysit my grandson, but am rarely invited to Sunday dinnersDear Amy: How can I handle that they are purposely (and hurtfully, on Mother’s Day) excluding us? June 11, 2023
Ask Amy: Why don’t young people return a friendly ‘hello’? Readers offer some thoughts.Dear Amy: I live in a very quiet neighborhood and chat regularly with a few of my neighbors. Otherwise, I’m an introvert. I have been accused of being a snob on plenty of occasions. June 10, 2023
Ask Amy: He won’t explain why he’s talking to his exesDear Amy: I am hurt, menopausal, lonely, and sad. I honestly don’t know what to do. Should I return to my home country and start my life over? June 09, 2023
Ask Amy: He creeps me out and now he’s vacationing with my parentsDear Amy: He has never done or said anything specific, but I can’t help but just feel this icky vibe when I’m around him. June 08, 2023
Ask Amy: A grieving daughter aggrieved by hungry mournersDear Amy: I overheard several people grumbling about no after-service meal being readied for the mourners. Why should the grieving party have to be sure that attendees eat afterward? June 07, 2023
Ask Amy: I just want to end a lifetime of bullying without being meanDear Amy: How can I get my bully out of my life without becoming the bad person? June 06, 2023
Ask Amy: The kids are asking about their uncle — he’s in jailDear Amy: My wife and I have two children, ages three and five. They have started asking about my brother, and we're wondering what to say. June 05, 2023
Ask Amy: He says ‘You’re not my mother’ on Mother’s DayDear Amy: I’ve come to increasingly view Mother’s Day with sadness. June 04, 2023
Ask Amy: The friendship has faded, so can I sell the expensive vintage gifts she gave me?Dear Amy: I want to sell them, since they’re quite valuable (about $800 for the pair), but to complicate things I’m really great friends with her brother, “James,” who still lives in my city. June 03, 2023
Ask Amy: Ex-husband asked me to stop contact with his family, but his mother keeps reaching outDear Amy: Should I continue to ignore the cards? Send them back, marked “return to sender”, or should I send her a response, politely telling her goodbye? June 02, 2023
Ask Amy: College sweetheart says pursuing my dream job would put the ‘nail in the coffin’ for usDear Amy: Neither one of us wants to deliver an ultimatum, but he said that if I go back to Kentucky, it would likely put the “nail in the coffin” for us. June 01, 2023
Ask Amy: While I was ring shopping, she was visiting an inappropriate friendDear Amy: I really love her, and we had been in a really good place. But how do we build a marriage without trust? May 31, 2023
Ask Amy: My daughter is cheating on her husband and I’m caught in the middleDear Amy: I know I’m going to be blamed for everything. I love my grandchildren very much and just don’t know what to do. May 30, 2023