A scene from “The Golden Gloves Story,” shows Nick Martel, played by Dewey Martin, left, and his rival Bob Gilmore, played by Kevin O'Morrison, right. Martel is a tough, pugnacious kid from Chicago who has had to fight for everything he has in life. Martel and Gilmore, from the other side of life's tracks, compete in and out of the ring for the affections of Patti Riley, the referee's daughter. (Chicago Tribune archive)
The filming of the scene with the “longest dolly shot” shows the camera standing in the middle of Clark Street outside Rainbo Arena in Chicago in 1949. (Chicago Tribune historical photo)
During a scene from “The Golden Gloves Story,” boxer Nick Martel, right, shares a tense moment with boxing referee Joe Riley, played by James Dunn. Martel was competing for the affections of Riley’s daughter, Patti. (Chicago Tribune)
Director Felix Feist, second from left, explains a scene to actor James Dunn, left, in the rectory during the filming of “The Golden Gloves Story” in 1949. (Chicago Tribune historical photo)
A still from the movie “The Golden Gloves Story” shows main character Nick Martel, left, in the ring with opponent Bob Gilmore. (Chicago Tribune archive)
A still from the movie “The Golden Gloves Story” shows main character Nick Martel kissing his love interest, Patti Riley, the daughter of a boxing referee Joe Riley. Patti was played by Kay Westfall. (Chicago Tribune archive)
Neighborhood kids watch the filming of a scene from “The Golden Gloves Story” on Oct. 27, 1949, at 1701 North Park Ave. in Chicago. (Jack Mulcahy / Chicago Tribune)
A scene from the movie “The Golden Gloves Story,” filmed in 1949 Chicago. Editors note: this historic print has some hand painting on it. (Chicago Tribune)
A still from the movie “The Golden Gloves Story” shows main character Nick Martel played by Dewey Martin on the ground. The film was released in 1950. (Chicago Tribune)
A still from the movie “The Golden Gloves Story” shows main character Nick Martel in the ring with an opponent. (Chicago Tribune)
Joe Riley, center, trains as seriously for his referee stint as do the Golden Glove fighters. One lad, Nick Martel, right, performs too smoothly to be an amateur and Riley eyes him as he referees the boys’ workout with a professional trainer in the film “The Golden Gloves Story,” released in 1950. (Chicago Tribune)
Children climb fences and try to get a better view of the filming of “The Golden Gloves Story on Oct. 27, 1949, at 1701 North Park in Chicago. A policeman chased some of the kids off the porch where the scene was being filmed. (Jack Mulcahy / Chicago Tribune)
The movie crew works at Rainbo Arena, located at Clark street and Lawrence avenue, in Chicago during the filming of “The Golden Gloves Story,” in 1949. (Chicago Tribune historical photo)