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When trying to understand weight gain and why some of us have difficulty losing weight, there are factors such as gut and brain connections, how we control our sensation of hunger and fullness and how long we stay full.
The "unBlocked" project aims to transform the 6500 block of South Aberdeen Street and serve as a model for future efforts.
Scabies rash looks different at different ages. Babies and toddlers, very elderly people or people with weakened immune systems can have a rash all over the body.
Dear Amy: He is a wonderful husband and has been a great provider. He just prefers a lot of time alone and does not enjoy chit-chat or meeting new people.
The Oakbrook Terrace resident has filed a lawsuit against the State Department for neglecting to help American relatives return to the U.S.
We know from decades of research, in millions of children, that the vaccines work best at these ages, and with this spacing between doses.
Regular readers know that I rarely say this, but – get out. I’ll come and get you, myself, writes Amy Dickinson.
It turns out that many people are simply scrolling through tons of engaging “fitspirational” posts on social media. If you do that regularly -- more often, say, than taking a brisk walk -- a new study suggests you should rethink that strategy.
Helping to make your family safer, stronger and more harmonious in 2024 may not require a complete overhaul, but rather a few strategic tweaks.